Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Second sex second time in Serbia
Ok, I am about to conclude my story on Second sex jubilee, 60 years since it was launched.
Started to like the book and the author better than before writing.
Writing is pure cannibalism, I always thought.
Started to like the book and the author better than before writing.
Writing is pure cannibalism, I always thought.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Beauvoir, Sartre and the rest of us
2.Sex book is my task for the end of the week. Will appear in Serbia again 2010, publishing house Plavi jahac. First edition 1982, but just because the script was held in the draw of the chief editor who was no eager to publish it. Huge success in ex Jugoslavija, almost bestseller, considered sacred book- challenge you to find you the book in antiques shop.
My story will appear next week. Like this kind of stories, recreating specific patches of cultural history in Serbia. Everyone needs it- seniors to regain self respect, juniors to start loving their tortured and devastated homeland and it's interesting and unique cultural past.
There is catch with this kind of complex stories - they haunt you. Journalist, lets say writer is always prey of identifications - so I am driven one more time to rethink why the woman and man can't share same amount of freedom at the some time. There is never enough for both of them.
Nowadays De Beauvoir strange sexual habits are not secret, not even the thing Sartre was real predator and womanizer.But still, he was the object of infinite adoration, for her. Heavy.
Their pact is kind o modern fairytale, grand style, challenging. But, don't we all girls long for a male to whom we can come back from time to time to rejuvenate faith in deep emotional belonging, without formal woes which always appear to be not so committing. This is best anti rides treatment, hah! Make you able to maintain that high horse position and look for the real thing as long as it takes and more important- as long as you want.
My story will appear next week. Like this kind of stories, recreating specific patches of cultural history in Serbia. Everyone needs it- seniors to regain self respect, juniors to start loving their tortured and devastated homeland and it's interesting and unique cultural past.
There is catch with this kind of complex stories - they haunt you. Journalist, lets say writer is always prey of identifications - so I am driven one more time to rethink why the woman and man can't share same amount of freedom at the some time. There is never enough for both of them.
Nowadays De Beauvoir strange sexual habits are not secret, not even the thing Sartre was real predator and womanizer.But still, he was the object of infinite adoration, for her. Heavy.
Their pact is kind o modern fairytale, grand style, challenging. But, don't we all girls long for a male to whom we can come back from time to time to rejuvenate faith in deep emotional belonging, without formal woes which always appear to be not so committing. This is best anti rides treatment, hah! Make you able to maintain that high horse position and look for the real thing as long as it takes and more important- as long as you want.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
For my Brazilian friend
so finally there is catch why to write a blog. Because I have friend reader. Rare one to whom I was brought by common interest in special section of feminine writing.
Lately, after all I've been through examining feminine perspective in literature, not just Serbian, made me tired and disappointed.For number of reasons it is false, inadequate
We can't say women are entitled to better understanding or experiencing or describing issues.But,they are different and to be respected for this mater and let alone. My late friend, Zarana Papic. who died recently gave me the only valid definition of feminism/ it is battle for human individuality, in this case feminine individuality. Period.
So I excluded nowadays everything in connection with feminine studies in Serbia.
But, then all came back to me from unexpected direction, from my young, sophisticated Brazilian friend, writer, journalist, sociologist. She seems genuinely thrilled with this stuff and brings me new old perspective, because I believe her.
Lately, after all I've been through examining feminine perspective in literature, not just Serbian, made me tired and disappointed.For number of reasons it is false, inadequate
We can't say women are entitled to better understanding or experiencing or describing issues.But,they are different and to be respected for this mater and let alone. My late friend, Zarana Papic. who died recently gave me the only valid definition of feminism/ it is battle for human individuality, in this case feminine individuality. Period.
So I excluded nowadays everything in connection with feminine studies in Serbia.
But, then all came back to me from unexpected direction, from my young, sophisticated Brazilian friend, writer, journalist, sociologist. She seems genuinely thrilled with this stuff and brings me new old perspective, because I believe her.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sada malo srpskog za početnike i sve ostale.
Sajam knjiga.
Prvi utisak je pozitivan, nisu me gurali i gnjavili, nisu vidljivo visile bubice iz ušiju, nije bilo preterano montiranih ribetina za odlikaše, jesu suknje bile kratke tu i tamo ali je sve bilo cool i intelektualno, sa ukočenim osmesima i udaranjem po leđima. Svakako je bilo važno biti viđen na manifetaciji.
Ja viđena. Or something. Padali i komplimenti. A što bih se ja zbabala a sve cveta?
Naravno, u prolazu laki i teški gossip, to ne mogu da pamtim. Izvinjavam se Danilu Nikoliću, koga sam videla samo izdaleka.Vi me niste videli, ali pozdrav vam dugujem.
Dragan Velikić primetio da u izdavačkom lancu od knjiga žive svi sem pisaca- knjižari, prelamači, vozači...S tim se valjda valja pomiriti. Malo ko živi od knjiga, sem Braun Dena i sl.
Sajam je pravo mesto za samopromociju i mesto za valjanje marketinških patcheva.
Počasni štand Grčke bio je aposultno najprijatnije mesto. Lepi ljudi, lep koktel, prijatna uzdržanost, dirljiva, vekovna pristojnost. ne sliče nam Grci previše, šta god mi mislili.
Izdavači, koje dobro poznajem, viđam preko godine, neki od njih su mi tražili i rukopis, neki su mi bili saputnici - na sajmu su nedodirljivi. Predstavnici vlasti i izdavači iz tog prstena moći otskakali su po pozi, kao i obično. Onako, malo. Uvek je važno biti važan a još važnije biti važniji, a najvažnije biti najvažniji.
Yes, sirs, važnost ste postigli. A i nevažnost, kako se uzme.
Naravno, po veličini štandova i po tome sa kakvom pažnjom im je određena lokacija jasno je ko je bliži do prestola, ali to je stara priča. Službeni glanik rulz, gazi, melje. Na istom mestu rekla bih ostali su Geopoetika, Clio,Stubovi kulture. Gotivim ih, gotivim i Glasnik, mada je kao piramida. Ne zna se gde je ufur . Ali najgotivim ove malešne kao Okean i slične. Novinari koji prate sajam i izdavaštvo ne pišu dovoljno oštro i ambiciozno, zavarani maglom da pišu o kulturnim stvarima i kulturnom svetu.
Izdavačka surovost ne poznaje granice, toga bi novinari uvek trebalo da budu svesni kad ih izdavači iscimaju na pres konferencije da im predstave svoje viđenje stvari i produkciju, što btw mogu da urade i slanjem informacija elektronskim putem. Niste dužni da prenosite doslovno hvalospeve. Ali ste dužni da redovno pratite produkciju, a ne po babi i stričevima. Molim vas pogledajte kako piše Ron Čarls iz Washposta i sl. Možete ga pratiti na twitteru @roncharls. U Americi industrija knjige jeste industrija ali zato prikazi knjiga imaju aposlutan balans.
Kupila sma jednu knjigu, vidim da sam stara po činjenici da sam u stanju da knjigu čekam godinu dana. Kupiću još jednu Bog za zbunjene. Nju sam već kupila i ukrali su mi je prošle godine.
Da završim prve utiske o sajmu:
Uvek je lepo kad profesionalci obuku odela, a publika može kako hoće.
Sajam knjiga.
Prvi utisak je pozitivan, nisu me gurali i gnjavili, nisu vidljivo visile bubice iz ušiju, nije bilo preterano montiranih ribetina za odlikaše, jesu suknje bile kratke tu i tamo ali je sve bilo cool i intelektualno, sa ukočenim osmesima i udaranjem po leđima. Svakako je bilo važno biti viđen na manifetaciji.
Ja viđena. Or something. Padali i komplimenti. A što bih se ja zbabala a sve cveta?
Naravno, u prolazu laki i teški gossip, to ne mogu da pamtim. Izvinjavam se Danilu Nikoliću, koga sam videla samo izdaleka.Vi me niste videli, ali pozdrav vam dugujem.
Dragan Velikić primetio da u izdavačkom lancu od knjiga žive svi sem pisaca- knjižari, prelamači, vozači...S tim se valjda valja pomiriti. Malo ko živi od knjiga, sem Braun Dena i sl.
Sajam je pravo mesto za samopromociju i mesto za valjanje marketinških patcheva.
Počasni štand Grčke bio je aposultno najprijatnije mesto. Lepi ljudi, lep koktel, prijatna uzdržanost, dirljiva, vekovna pristojnost. ne sliče nam Grci previše, šta god mi mislili.
Izdavači, koje dobro poznajem, viđam preko godine, neki od njih su mi tražili i rukopis, neki su mi bili saputnici - na sajmu su nedodirljivi. Predstavnici vlasti i izdavači iz tog prstena moći otskakali su po pozi, kao i obično. Onako, malo. Uvek je važno biti važan a još važnije biti važniji, a najvažnije biti najvažniji.
Yes, sirs, važnost ste postigli. A i nevažnost, kako se uzme.
Naravno, po veličini štandova i po tome sa kakvom pažnjom im je određena lokacija jasno je ko je bliži do prestola, ali to je stara priča. Službeni glanik rulz, gazi, melje. Na istom mestu rekla bih ostali su Geopoetika, Clio,Stubovi kulture. Gotivim ih, gotivim i Glasnik, mada je kao piramida. Ne zna se gde je ufur . Ali najgotivim ove malešne kao Okean i slične. Novinari koji prate sajam i izdavaštvo ne pišu dovoljno oštro i ambiciozno, zavarani maglom da pišu o kulturnim stvarima i kulturnom svetu.
Izdavačka surovost ne poznaje granice, toga bi novinari uvek trebalo da budu svesni kad ih izdavači iscimaju na pres konferencije da im predstave svoje viđenje stvari i produkciju, što btw mogu da urade i slanjem informacija elektronskim putem. Niste dužni da prenosite doslovno hvalospeve. Ali ste dužni da redovno pratite produkciju, a ne po babi i stričevima. Molim vas pogledajte kako piše Ron Čarls iz Washposta i sl. Možete ga pratiti na twitteru @roncharls. U Americi industrija knjige jeste industrija ali zato prikazi knjiga imaju aposlutan balans.
Kupila sma jednu knjigu, vidim da sam stara po činjenici da sam u stanju da knjigu čekam godinu dana. Kupiću još jednu Bog za zbunjene. Nju sam već kupila i ukrali su mi je prošle godine.
Da završim prve utiske o sajmu:
Uvek je lepo kad profesionalci obuku odela, a publika može kako hoće.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Still reckoning what would be the purpose of my blog writing.
Well, I would start with my notes-in spite I already know what I know and what I think about- considering writing, publishing, book production.
Just recently understood I hate books, love writing
Very few writers I like, less and less I read, very few I hang around with.
Truly I am interested only in writing-s compatible with my own. Very little interest in different. Unless beautiful stories unfold. This not apply to theory only, of course- but let it be good!!!
Camilla Paglia?
Anica Savic Rebac ?
Ketty Acker, why did you leave so early?
Well, I would start with my notes-in spite I already know what I know and what I think about- considering writing, publishing, book production.
Just recently understood I hate books, love writing
Very few writers I like, less and less I read, very few I hang around with.
Truly I am interested only in writing-s compatible with my own. Very little interest in different. Unless beautiful stories unfold. This not apply to theory only, of course- but let it be good!!!
Camilla Paglia?
Anica Savic Rebac ?
Ketty Acker, why did you leave so early?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Philip Roth joins his own tribute bus tour in Newark
Native Newarker ... Philip Roth. Photograph: AP
Taking in the landmarks of his novels, from Weequahic Park in The Plot Against America to Goodbye, Columbus's Newark Museum, the Philip Roth bus tour is a must for fans visiting his stomping ground of Newark. But graduates of Weequahic High School were given an extra bonus this weekend when the author himself joined the tour as a surprise guest.
Dirty little secret to share
- I started this blog not to bother my friends on FB and Twitter with my logorea.
Having in mind I have some friends following me which/whom are not of this world material like for example Ancient Egypt etc I really don't want to be immature, pushy and boring to pharaos and other more than respectable entities.
- I started this blog not to bother my friends on FB and Twitter with my logorea.
Having in mind I have some friends following me which/whom are not of this world material like for example Ancient Egypt etc I really don't want to be immature, pushy and boring to pharaos and other more than respectable entities.
I love this one, part of the interview Malcolm Gladwell in Time.
If you had a single piece of advice to offer young journalists, what would it be?
The issue is not writing. It's what you write about. One of my favorite columnists is Jonathan Weil, who writes for Bloomberg. He broke the Enron story, and he broke it because he's one of the very few mainstream journalists in America who really knows how to read a balance sheet. That means Jonathan Weil will always have a job, and will always be read, and will always have something interesting to say. He's unique. Most accountants don't write articles, and most journalists don't know anything about accounting. Aspiring journalists should stop going to journalism programs and go to some other kind of grad school. If I was studying today, I would go get a master's in statistics, and maybe do a bunch of accounting courses and then write from that perspective. I think that's the way to survive. The role of the generalist is diminishing. Journalism has to get smarter.
here is the,8599,1931100,00.html?xid=rss-arts
If you had a single piece of advice to offer young journalists, what would it be?
The issue is not writing. It's what you write about. One of my favorite columnists is Jonathan Weil, who writes for Bloomberg. He broke the Enron story, and he broke it because he's one of the very few mainstream journalists in America who really knows how to read a balance sheet. That means Jonathan Weil will always have a job, and will always be read, and will always have something interesting to say. He's unique. Most accountants don't write articles, and most journalists don't know anything about accounting. Aspiring journalists should stop going to journalism programs and go to some other kind of grad school. If I was studying today, I would go get a master's in statistics, and maybe do a bunch of accounting courses and then write from that perspective. I think that's the way to survive. The role of the generalist is diminishing. Journalism has to get smarter.
here is the,8599,1931100,00.html?xid=rss-arts
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
So, seems I've started blog, which until recently was for me meter of mockery.
I fell right of my high horse on my head.
Well, nobody is perfect.
I will share some of my mental magma, but don't expect me to share for FREE all that brilliance.
Joking, but nothing much to say now.
Or, at least not for Џ, as we say in Serbia:)
I fell right of my high horse on my head.
Well, nobody is perfect.
I will share some of my mental magma, but don't expect me to share for FREE all that brilliance.
Joking, but nothing much to say now.
Or, at least not for Џ, as we say in Serbia:)
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- So, seems I've started blog, which until recently ...
- First day as the blog owner was long.Here is first...
- I love this one, part of the interview Malcolm Gla...
- Dirty little secret to share- I started this blog...
- ...
- Saramago criticizes Bible
- Still reckoning what would be the purpose of my bl...
- Sada malo srpskog za početnike i sve ostale.Sajam ...